Join me on my Paleo Reset!
Stepping into the new year in full power: how I start with a clean slate for my diet.
Get the Free guide to paleo reset to see what that looks like:
An optimized nutritional strategy.
I love using the new year to refresh my goals. How about you?
After reviewing the year behind, I craft a vision for the year ahead. I love doing that. It’s super energizing.
I also use the first month of the year as a clean slate.
In January I press reset.
See, I don’t fully indulge during the holidays, but I definitely eat more things that are not part of my optimal diet, or what I like to call: a nutritional strategy.
Your nutritional strategy is the way of eating that serves you, supports your goals and that you can sustain.
I know that my optimal nutritional strategy:
powers my day with consistent energy
supports a clear mind and sharp thinking
fuels my focus
keeps body fat low
promotes longevity by limiting inflammation
is enjoyable and sustainable
If you wonder what such diet might be, read to the end.
I know my nutritional strategy, because I have done and I keep doing a lot of experimentation: keto, fasting, paleo, off paleo and back. Different nutritional strategies support different people in different seasons of life.
You’re just a few experiments away from your optimal diet.
In my program Timeless, I bring my PhD-level approach to help my clients experiment so they too can find their optimal diet.
Why I need to reset my diet.
It’s all based on being aware of how the food I eat affect me. Just like for everyone else, the Christmas season is a time when I let myself go. Not that I ever full on indulge, I still practice moderation. But here are some examples of the kinds of things I put in my body during the holidays that are outside of my optimal diet:
I went from being an alcoholic to drinking on occasions, such as Christmas, or my birthday. As you drink less, the negative aspects of alcohol become a lot more clear and quickly outweigh the “positives”.
It screws with my sleep, which is already not great with a baby and a toddler. It disrupts my gut microbiome (aka very bad poop) and it robs me of my energy the next day. Now that I don’t drink regularly, I also notice that I am less patient the next day.
The good news is that I’m back to my 100% as soon as I stop drinking, and our gut microbiome can be reset pretty easily with some intention, and sauerkraut!Whole milk:
I enjoy peppermint hot chocolate with my daughter during the holidays. But milk is not the most belly-friendly for adults, who lose the enzymes to digest it properly.Sweets:
Sugar is quite punishing for me (headache, terrible mood, brain fog,…) so I never go overboard. I know that over 5 grams of sugar, my brain taps out. But I can hardly resist a ginger cookie… And once you have one cookie, you want another, and another, and it never ends.
I’m ready to get off the dopamine train and kill the cravings. Nothing like a reset for that.Bread and pastries:
That’s what I grew up on (I’m from France). I love grass-fed butter and cheese on sourdough bread. And don’t get me started on butter croissants! This can absolutely be part of a healthy diet... when you can have only one slice! When you have bread all day, fill up your belly with nutrient-poor food, it’s not optimal for energy, vitality and long-term health.
I like to take gluten out with the paleo reset because honestly, I find it a little addictive. I like the reset to gain back control of my food choices.
I’m sharing this for you to see that I’m well aware of the effects different types of foods can have on my cognition, energy, digestion, etc
I do not advocate for one diet over another.
I believe that a healthy diet makes room for things that, in excess, can be an issue.
When it comes to nutrition, I believe in experimenting.
I have also found that either for myself, or my clients, a 80-20 approach works best for sustainability: 80% optimal, 20% cheating. By cheating I mean giving yourself the permission to have things that are not optimal if they bring you joy.
Having gone keto and done fasting before, I now know what’s 100%-feel-good for me. I also know what a diet that supports longevity looks like. I know what I want my nutrition to do for me.
My food choices are a tool that serve me and my goal. I use the reset to:
take the driver’s seat: I am not moved by cravings
regain control: I get off the dopamine train that seeks always more
improve my gut: I nurture my gut bacteria for better mood
get my energy back: I stop sabotaging myself with foods that take away from me
lose the extra pounds: I want to love what I see in the mirror and build up more muscle
So to step into the new year in full power, in January, I practice the paleo reset for 30 days.
What is the paleo reset
The paleo reset is a time of intentional elimination. It’s a 30-day period during which we go back to the building blocks of a diet.
I bet you could feel yourself get tensed when reading the word “elimination”. That’s because most of us see this practice as something that will cause us to lose, to miss out.
I get it. We often use food to cope, for reward and comfort.
Our stores are filled with foods that satisfy, that creates pleasure.
But the truth is that many of the same foods actually take away from you: take away your agency, your energy, your ability to think clearly, even take away your future.
Deciding to fast certain things brings a lot of clarity and power.
When removing food from your diet for 30 days, you make it possible to build up.
This period of elimination is a time to get back: energy, brain power, control.
I know it because I have done this many times.
I know it because I see it with my clients who use this tool.
I know it works.
It’s only 30 days.
In a world that wants always more, that chooses comfort, ease and convenience, choosing to intentionally remove yourself from addictive foods and to say no to your cravings is the way to grow stronger.
Do you want to be in charge of your food choices?
Or do you want the bacteria in your gut to be?
Do you want to be free?
Or do you want to stay on the loop of addictive foods?
Consider doing the paleo reset with me
I want to use my paleo reset as an opportunity to invite you! If you are considering a post-holiday detox, why not doing the reset with me.
This is a lot easier than juicing or water fasting.
For this occasion, I have created a free guide to help you. Use the button below to download a free guide that tells you everything about the benefits, how to prepare for the reset and stick to it.
When you decide to get the guide, you also receive support with additional resources. The first bonus resource is a meal plan.
It’s all free. So what are you waiting for? Today is the day to put your health first. See you on the other side
Disclaimer: I have a Phd in health sciences and I am a health coach with specific training in functional health from the Kresser Institute. I am not a nutritionist or dietician or nutrition scientist.