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Free cheatsheet: 5 easy principles for a diet that supports longevity
Forget dieting, counting, measuring, questioning, researching, and fixating on “forbidden” foods.
Use these 5 easy-to-follow, science backed, proven, timeless principles for a diet that boosts energy and focus while effortlessly keeping the weight off.
How to use mindfulness to buffer against stress
Free webinar
In this 45-minute webinar, you will discover how stress shows up for you. I also share highly actionable tips to better handle stress. This is a quick and easy win for anyone on a busy schedule who wants to lower stress today. Click on the picture to watch on Youtube.
Featured science-based article:
The ultimate guide to boost energy and focus while effortlessly keeping the weight off.
The 7 pillars of a longer, happier and wealthier life.
An evidence-based framework to approach your health for longevity and bank more healthy years
5 easy principles for a diet supporting longevity.
5 science-backed principles to help you take have focus to add significant value to people’s life, run your business and have enough energy left at the end of the day to be there with your family.
Fuel your body and your mind to be able to make better decisions and do more meaningful work. Lose some weight and effortlessly maintain a healthy weight.
Pump up the flavor: How to make healthy foods tasty
If you find healthy food bland and boring, first it’s by design. The food industry has been cranking up the palatability.
This is for you! Here I share my favorite tips to bring up the flavors. I also reached out to Edmonton chefs to get their go-to’s and best tips for flavor.
How a sense of purpose can help us live a longer, happier life. (Free resources included).
People with a stronger sense of purpose have greater physical and mental health, live longer lives and are more likely to build resources. Purpose is associated with longevity and moderates cognitive decline.
Why your New Year resolution might fail and what to do instead.
80% of New Year resolutions fail by February because most people lack the tools. Find out about motivation, willpower, your environment and what it takes to succeed.
Join me on my Paleo Reset!
Detox after the holidays and get your energy back. Join me on my paleo reset 2022. Download the free guide and go claim all of the other freebies I created for you.
My holiday season 2021
In relation to customers, I have sharpened my attitude. I have learned to have an open mind, to give my full attention and to go the extra mile to give them an excellent service: being fast, reliable, helping them figure out the best product for the outcome they desire and doing it with gratitude, with a big smile, letting them feel that you want them back.